In any circumstance...she was always there.

2004 - 2009

Created by Dave - 15 years ago
Paula was a wonderfull person. As the turn out yeterday showed, she was incredibly loved and respected. I have many memories of Paula but the one that sticks out the most is this. I got myself into a spot of bother one night out and ended up in the cells for the night. I was due to have some treatment on an injury with paula the next morning. I got out and had a voicemail from her informing me that I had missed it. I promptly phoned her and explained what had happened, and I remember worrying slightly that there might be some disapointment or judgement from her - how wrong I was. Even when I'd been a massive idiot and got into trouble there was still sympathy, concern, no judgement and the question which I'm sure we've all had from her several times "Is there anything I can do to help, anything at all?". I left Loughborough a few years ago but Paula stayed in touch, I always looked forward to any time I'd see Paula again, especially the BUSA finals where Party time Paula would be out with a bang. Paula was a massive ray of sunshine and one of the warmest people I have ever met. Paula, we all love you and miss you, thank you for everything. My deepest condolences and sympathies to Alex and Matthew.